Viene rimessa in gioco una delle parti oscure, la più pericolosa, dei trattati Ceta e Ttip, l’ISDS (Investor State Dispute Settlement), il sistema di giustizia oscuro accessibile solo alle grandi società. Queste benemerite del globo possono usare l’ISDS per citare in giudizio gli Stati e superare ogni regola destinata a proteggere le persone e il pianeta. Di fatto l’annullamento dei diritti e dei doveri , delle regole democratiche dettate dalle Costituzioni di questo o quel Paese, che, non a caso, sono state e sono oggetto di attacco da parte di forze e governi al servizio di queste potenze economico-finanziarie, multinazionali. E, non a caso, la Riforma della Costituzione italiana che, per fortuna, un referendum, ha respinto. 

Una giustizia parallela a quella ufficiale, vincente con la forza del denaro, che attacca e, spesso, annulla la stessa sovranità nazionale. Già è successo e sono tanti i casi riguardanti corporazioni, multinazionali, che hanno citato in giudizio gli Stati, chiedendo risarcimenti ingenti, non sempre possibili da sostenere.

Con l’ISDS va avanti il processo di svuotamento dei poteri dei singoli Paesi, dopo aver azzerato la politica e imposto governi in mano a fantocci, con un’accelerazione del processo che ha come obiettivo la costituzione di un governo globale.

Ecco la necessità urgente di dire No all’ISDS. Più di 40 aziende che frequentano il Forum economico mondiale hanno utilizzato ISDS per citare in giudizio i governi ed estratti vaste somme di denaro dei contribuenti '. Alcune di queste stesse società hanno violato i diritti umani. È tempo di fermare questa ingiustizia.

Rights for People, rules for corporations - Stop ISDS!

Dear friend,

Just three years ago our movement was instrumental in stopping TTIP, the EU-US trade agreement. It wasn’t easy. Together, we collected 3.3 million signatures. Hundreds of thousands of you protested in the streets. We took on the corporations, the lobbyists, 28 governments and the EU Commission. And we won!

Now we have to do it again to kill off ISDS – which was one of the most dangerous parts of TTIP – once and for all. Over the last three years, this system has been badly wounded. For the first time, with a strong push in 2019, we can get rid of it for good. A Europe-wide campaign against ISDS and for more corporate accountability has just started to make the best of this opportunity!
Sign the petition to support the new campaign now!ISDS stands for ‘Investor-State-Dispute-Settlement’. It is an obscure parallel justice system only accessible to large corporations. They can use it to sue states and prevent new rules that were intended to protect people and the planet. If on the other hand people are harmed by a corporation, they often don't have any way of winning justice. This is a horrendous injustice!Some ISDS cases are well known, like Vattenfall demanding 5 billion Euros of public money for the German nuclear exit. But hundreds of other scandalous cases are still receiving close to no public attention. And new treaties containing a parallel justice system for corporations even keep on being signed! In order to stop ISDS we need to oppose these new deals and get rid of existing ones.Click here to sign the new petition to end ISDS!This week, corporations are gathering in Davos at the World Economic Forum. They will dine and chat with world leaders until Friday. Those companies include Chevron, which sued Ecuador to avoid cleaning up their oil pollution in the Amazon, and still refuse to pay the victims of their dirty business. Cargill, which sued Mexico after the Government implemented a tax on sugar to address the country’s obesity crisis. Dow Chemical, which sued Canada for banning harmful pesticides, and dozens more.

Today, we crashed their party. Our colleagues from the “Rights for People, Rules for Corporations” campaign are in Davos. Dressed as wolves, they revealed that more than 40 corporations attending the World Economic Forum have used ISDS to sue governments and extracted vast sums of taxpayers’ money. Some of these same corporations have infringed on human rights but people and the planet cannot bite back. It is time to stop this injustice! We demand the EU and member states to support a tough global system that can punish multinationals for their crimes. We need rights for people and new rules for corporations! ISDS must be stopped! And 2019 is the year to do it.
Please join this new movement and sign the petition today!Yours,
the Stop TTIP team

PS: EU member states have just decided to terminate all ISDS treaties amongst each other. This is a really significant first step. And we helped to bring it about! Let’s increase the pressure now to ensure that all ISDS treaties are cancelled, and no new ones are ever signed!
Yes, I want to help end ISDS now!More information on


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