The Italian Oliveteque, a dedication to the king of trees and to its oil

That is a project that will leave its mark. Pasquale di Lena presents here the idea to create a big park that transforms in a museum in the open air. Objective: to protect biodiversity by Pasquale Di Lena A big park made up of olive trees; an open air museum about olive trees and oils; a field-catalogue of all the Italian native olive varieties; an educational farm introducing the Italian olive tree products. All the above are the meanings and the roles of the Italian Oliveteque. In this constituent stage, it arises from the agreement among the Farmers Italian Federation, the Oil Industrialists’ Association (Assitol) and the National association of the Oil-cities.This enterprise, bringing to life and presenting an unique heritage of biodiversity, opens new ways for the diffusion of the olive and oil culture, which is very important in creating a new communication and marketing era for olive oil. This is particularly true for the oil in this period of dop, igp and biological cultures, f...